A lot of people, especially women, find it difficult to lose fat. Let’s note that losing weight is different from losing fat. You can lose weight, and it won’t be visible on your body because you haven’t lost fat. We are going to delve into some tips on how to lose body fat! Note: Losing weight and fat is 70% nutrition and 30% workout. However, this doesn’t mean that you can do away with exercising.
1. Drinking Water
Having a very good water-drinking habit is essential to having a healthy body and losing fat. An individual has to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, and if you come to our locality, you can make those 8-10 sachets daily. This helps you flush out toxins from your body.
2. Healthy Eating Lifestyle
We usually don’t lose as much fat as we’d like because we find it difficult to ditch our bad eating habits. To lose fat, you must ditch junk food like pizza, noodles, fast food, burgers, fries, and any other processed food. You need to eat “God’s food,” which includes fruits, veggies, legumes, and protein. You’d also have to cut down on carbohydrates. You can take carbohydrates, but you need to cut them down. So your healthy meal plate needs to be 50% veggies, 40% protein, and 10% carbs. You must try to avoid sugar as much as possible. Raw sugar or anything containing sugar, like fizzy drinks. Try to eat your last meal before 5, and for dinner, which should be before 5, make sure it’s something light like soup, a smoothie, or golden brown tea without sugar and with low-fat milk.
3. Exercising
To attain your body goal or fat loss target, you need to inculcate the habit of exercising. It needs to become a part of your life and daily routine. For beginners, you can exercise at least three times a week, and you can begin small with an hour’s walk and then gradually improve to doing full-body workouts. To lose fat, you need to add strength training to your exercise. Strength training can also include lifting weights according to your capacity.
To conclude, you need to be consistent with the aforementioned; it needs to become a lifestyle for a long time.
Other Tips:
Be patient; Rome wasn’t built in a day. You didn’t gain fat in one day, and it won’t go away in one day either.
– Be consistent.
– Have morning sips such as cloves water, green tea, turmeric tea, lime water, etc.
– Have infused water with chopped fruits or veggies that you’d take throughout the day.
– Focus on eating more protein to lose fat and not just weight.
– Join a fitness family like TNYOU to assist in your healthy lifestyle journey.